young woman smiling cupping ear

Start Your New Year with Better Hearing! 

Why is It So Tricky For Someone to Notice When They Start To Lose Their Hearing  All kinds of things require regular upkeep and you don’t think twice about it. When you change the oil in your car, they tuck a little sticker up in the corner of your windshield to remind you of the mileage or the date when …

Link Between Stress and Hearing Loss

Link Between Stress and Hearing Loss

Hearing and Hearing Loss Disabling hearing loss is far more common than most people are likely to assume. Though less than three out of every babies born in the US have some kind of congenital hearing loss, this percentage increases steadily with age. In fact, by the time we are surveying people aged 75 and above, we find an astonishing …

hearing loss, and tinnitus image

Chronic Tinnitus, Anxiety and Depression

What Exactly is Tinnitus? Tinnitus is the relentless impression that you are hearing a sound that is not really there in your environment. Strange as it may seem, nearly one in six Americans live with it. That’s 50 million people. Most frequently people describe this sound as “ringing in your ears” but descriptions range from whistling, roaring, hissing, buzzing, chirping, …

Treating hearing loss

Why You Should Talk about Hearing at Your Next Physical

Hearing health is health plain and simple. There is no version of a healthy you that does not include health hearing. And there is no version of you that lives a fulfilled and satisfied life without your health. We may often take our health for granted. It is so easy to overlook how much of our joy and even our …

Hearing Issues

Treating Hearing Loss May Help Prevent Falls and Accidents

Why Take The Risk? Did you know that more than 1 out of every 20 deaths in the United States is the result of an accident? Accidents are the cause for almost 30 million Emergency Room visits every year, meaning almost one in 10 people will go to the emergency room for an accident. of course there are innumerable causes …

Woman having a hearing exam

This November, Test Your Hearing in Honor of American Diabetes Month

November is American Diabetes Month Every November The American Diabetes Association celebrates American Diabetes Month. This is an annual opportunity for the millions of Americans who live with diabetes to raise awareness about what it is really like to live with it and to share information about how they manage their conditions. Millions of people are at risk of catching …

Adult males sitting on couch having conversation

Know Your Rights: Accessibility and Public Spaces   

The Americans with Disabilities Act The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), signed into law in 1990, legally protects the rights of the hearing impaired. It comprehensively protects the civil rights of people with disabilities in a vast range of public life including the workplace, local and federal governmental services, transportation, public accommodations and telecommunications. These protections fall into three main …

Man holding hand to ear

Certain Chemicals May Cause Hearing Loss

Ototoxicants Ototoxicants are chemicals that damage our central auditory systems, potentially causing hearing loss when they are inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin. They might also wreak havoc on one’s balance & their impacts may be severe or just mild & permanent or just temporary. In rare circumstances, certain medications may risk exposure to otoxicants. But it is most …

People smiling while in the workplace

Know Your Rights: Accessibility and the Workplace

Protections Afforded by the ADA In 1990 Congress signed The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the law which remains the fundamental protection guaranteeing the civil rights of everyone with a disability of any kind. The ADA is divided into five sections, called titles, each of which covers the broad protections afforded within a specific category. Title I: Employment Title II: …

Hearing Loss May Cause Reading Problems in Children

Hearing Loss May Cause Reading Problems in Children

Children can have hearing loss from birth (congenital) or later in childhood (acquired). Congenital hearing loss can be caused by a person’s genes or by infections that happen during pregnancy, such as cytomegalovirus or rubella. Babies in the neonatal intensive care unit are more likely to lose their hearing (NICU). Hearing loss can happen on its own or as part …