Whether it’s avoiding crowds at the grocery store or getting through a long zoom call, exhaustion hits everyone at some point. However, if you have hearing loss, you might find that you become fatigued more often than usual. If that’s the case, you’re not alone: fatigue is a common side effect of untreated hearing loss, but it can also affect …
The Hidden Link: How Hearing Loss Can Cause Fatigue
Dealing with hearing loss can make everyday tasks challenging and enjoyable situations frustrating. Did you also know it can be simply exhausting? Hearing loss taxes your body in ways most people don’t recognize. In fact, many people with hearing loss don’t connect it with feelings of fatigue. However, part of managing fatigue is recognizing how hearing loss can contribute to …
Everyday Activities That Could Harm Your Hearing
Imagine waking up on a leisurely weekend morning, blending a fresh smoothie and getting outside right away to work in your woodshop and mow the lawn. Before you know it it’s time to jump in the shower, blow-dry your hair and head out to listen to some live music in the park. Sounds fun right? While it may have the …
Age-Related Hearing Loss is Often Untreated
Age-related hearing loss occurs naturally. As we get older, we may begin to experience changes in our hearing. While most hearing loss is irreversible, it can be treated – hearing aids, for instance, effectively enhance challenging sounds to make them accessible to your hearing again. What Is the Risk of Age-Related Hearing Loss? Age-related hearing loss is a form of …
The Causes of Acquired Hearing Loss
Today in America there are some 48 million people suffering from some type of hearing loss. While that amounts to over 15% of the population, just 0.5% are born with hearing loss or deafness. While people who are born into hearing loss grow into deaf culture, those who acquire their hearing loss at some point in life may struggle to …
A Link Between Hearing Loss & Dementia
In recent decades, untreated hearing loss has been shown to promote a cascade of negative health outcomes, ranging from depression to increased risk of injury due to falling down, and it can even be an early indicator of an underlying cardiovascular condition. Far from the benign, if annoying, aspect of getting older that many of us assume hearing loss to …
Acknowledging the Reality of Hearing Loss
Over 48 million Americans today suffer from some type of hearing loss, ranging from mild to profound. In fact, even as many as 20% of teenagers have measurable hearing loss in one or both ears. With a problem so widespread, it’s no wonder that a vast industry has grown to accommodate the needs of the hearing impaired. The problem is …
Tips for Managing Tinnitus
Do you ever hear a ringing in your ears that doesn’t seem to have an external source? This is most likely tinnitus and may manifest as a ringing buzzing, whooshing or roar. Tinnitus is estimated to affect 15 to 20% of the population and can become incredibly stressful when there is no relief. You may wonder what causes tinnitus in …
Hearing Loss & Cognitive Decline
Age related hearing loss affects 1 in 3 seniors over 65 and over half of those over 75. While you may think that hearing loss is just an ear issue, it actually affects all aspects of life including mental health, physical activity, emotional health and longevity. This is because compromised hearing is a communication issue. While we hear with our …
Tips for a Successful Virtual Family Reunion
This is the time of year where families love to come together to celebrate in the warmth of being together as the sun draws farthest from the earth and the days are the shortest. However, this year has presented us with a handful of challenges we have never met before. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has recommended avoiding regular …