Hearing loss impacts over 48 million people, making it the third most common medical condition people live with today. The prevalence of hearing loss is twice as common as diabetes or cancer. Hearing loss reduces capacity to hear and process speech as well as sound. This produces a range of symptoms that strains hearing and communication, essential ways we navigate …
Hearing Loss Treatment Can Reduce the Feeling of Loneliness
It’s always nice to have a little time to ourselves to rest and regenerate, however, everyone gets lonely every now and then. However, as we age, life changes often increase loneliness in our life. Retirement, the loss of a partner or family member, or mobility issues can increase loneliness and it can be more dangerous than you may first suspect. …
Early Signs of Hearing Loss
Did you know that hearing loss is the third most common medical condition people experience today? Over 48 million people have impaired hearing, a pervasive health issue that reduces one’s capacity to hear and process speech as well as sound. With nearly 1 in 5 people having some degree of hearing loss, you or someone you know may be navigating …
Can Earbud Use Cause Hearing Loss?
Using earbuds is a common way people listen to audio. From music to podcasts and talking on the phone; earbuds have become everyday items. While they make it convenient to listen to audio, earbud use can actually impact hearing health. Earbuds can release soundwaves into the ear at a high volume, high enough to contribute to noise induced hearing loss. …
6 Tips for Communicating With Hearing Loss
Conversations can be challenging to navigate if you have hearing loss. Hearing loss reduces one’s ability to hear and process speech as well as sound. Frotueanyl, hearing aids offer an effective solution. These electronic devices are essential items for people with hearing loss. They are designed to absorb, amplogy, adn process speech as well as sound. This provides ample hearing …
What Are The Signs of Hearing Loss?
As we age, we commonly experience changes in our hearing. The change does not happen suddenly, but is more gradual, like the gradual process of graying hair. Nevertheless, it is crucial to pay attention to these initial indications. Research shows that men are almost twice as likely as women to have hearing loss among adults aged 20–69. Read on for …
Treating Hearing Loss Can Support Your Physical Ability & Well-Being
“What was that?” If this seems to be your tagline the last time you socialized then it may be time to have your hearing tested. All too often, people put off suspected hearing loss- on average, seven to ten years, in fact without understanding the risk. Hearing loss has not only been linked to increased issues in communication but surprisingly …
Celebrate World Hearing Day: Ear and Hearing Care for All!
March 3rd is World Hearing Day! Organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), this global campaign advocates for hearing health. Hearing loss is one of the most pervasive health issues that people navigate today. But it remains widely undertreated, with only a third of people who could benefit from treatment actually receiving it. This year’s theme is Ear and Hearing …
Hearing Aids Can Change Your Life
Life’s Surprises We all know that hearing loss is common among the elderly. But I never realized exactly how common. More than a third of everyone aged 65 and above suffered from it and I was stunned to learn that more than half of everyone aged 75 and above does too. That means that by the time you reach that …
Everyday Noises that Could Cause Hearing Loss
Hearing Loss is Far More Common Than You Know Hearing loss is much more common than you probably know. In fact, it most often comes on so gradually that it is nearly impossible to notice even when it is happening to you yourself. This is why most of the time people rely on their friends or loved ones to point …