Confronting the Reality of Hearing Loss

Confronting the Reality of Hearing Loss

It can be challenging to acknowledge and confront changes to your health. This often contributes to a delay in treatment when it comes to hearing loss, one of the most common medical conditions people experience today. Nearly 1 in 5 people have some degree of hearing loss which affects over 48 million people. But only a third of people who could benefit from treatment, actually receive it. Untreated hearing loss not only impacts hearing, but also communication, relationships, social life, work performance, and overall health. It is important to invereve as early as possible which starts by acknowledging the reality of hearing loss.  

Recognizing the Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss typically occurs gradually so people may not notice symptoms for quite some time. This contributes to a delay in acknowledging and treating hearing loss. Knowing the early signs of hearing loss can help you understand what you are experiencing, supporting early intervention. Common signs include: 

  • Tinnitus: a ringing or buzzing like noise in one or both ears that only you can hear. 
  • Sounds are slurred, muffled, or distorted. 
  • Difficulty hearing in places with background noise. 
  • Asking others to repeat what they said or to speak louder. 
  • Turning up the volume on the TV and/or other electronic devices. 
  • Lip reading to help identify individual words. 
  • Pretending to hear to get through a conversation. 
  • Moving to a quieter place to be able to hear. 
  • Hearing better out of one ear compared to the other. 
  • Experiencing miscommunication, missing parts of a conversation. 
  • Feeling drained after social interactions and conversations. 
  • Not sharing your hearing challenges with others. 
  • Avoiding conversations, or keeping them as short as possible. 

These symptoms can range from mild to more profound -really taking a toll on hearing and communication. To cope, it is common for people to avoid conversations as much as possible. This includes spending less time with loved ones, skipping social events, participating less in activities etc. Social withdrawal is a major effect of hearing loss and not only does this impact relationships and social life but also mental health and wellness. 

Diagnosing & Treating Hearing Loss 

The first step towards treatment is getting your hearing health comprehensively evaluated. Hearing tests are conducted by hearing healthcare specialists like audiologists or ENT (ear, nose, throat) doctors. The evaluation process consists of a painless and noninvasive process that measures hearing capacities in both ears. This identifies any hearing loss, the type of hearing loss,  and the degree of impairment in each ear. Once your hearing needs are identified, your hearing healthcare specialist can tailor treatment to meet those needs. 

Fortunately, there are effective ways that hearing loss is treated. One of the most common hearing solutions is hearing aids which are electronic devices that are designed to process speech as well as sound. This provides the ears and brain with ample hearing support, alleviating symptoms and maximizing one’s hearing capacity. Hearing aids enable people to hear more and with greater ease. Today’s hearing aids are more innovative than ever before – coming in a range of styles, colors, and offering countless technologies. Hearing aids have benefited tremendously from cutting edge technologies and are now savvier and sleeker. These features allow hearing aids to seamlessly integrate into everyday life, supporting hearing in all environments. From digital noise reduction, to tinnitus management, and wireless connectivity; hearing aids deliver sharp sound quality. 

Hearing aids strengthen hearing and communication which offers countless benefits including improving relationships, social life, and overall health and wellness. Extensive research shows that treatment strengthens brain health, boosts mental health, and decreases a number of health risks associated with untreated hearing loss. 

Prioritize Your Hearing Health Today

Taking the first step towards treatment is simple: schedule an appointment for a hearing test. This process is accessible and painless. There is a range of hearing healthcare services, resources, and solutions that are invested in transforming your hearing health and wellness. Treating hearing loss provides countless benefits that will enhance your quality of life. Treatment allows people to live active, and full lives that they can fully participate in. You can get started today by contacting us to schedule an appointment for a hearing consultation. We look forward to supporting you on this journey!