Difficulties with Communication Could Signal a Hearing Loss

Difficulties with Communication Could Signal a Hearing Loss

Have you been having difficulties communicating? Have you had to ask your friends to repeat themselves, especially when you’re out for dinner or at a noisy bar downtown? Maybe you passed your recent hearing test but still have trouble communicating. While you’d think a hearing test would show your hearing loss, you may have hidden hearing loss. What is Hidden …

Dealing with Noise Pollution in Your Neighborhood

Dealing with Noise Pollution in Your Neighborhood

Living in the city has many benefits, like good job opportunities, better access to services, excellent schools, and great restaurants. However, living in a city isn’t without risks. Cities are notoriously noisy places, with endless noise from construction sites, traffic, lawnmowers, and the neighborhood dog that never stops barking. If you have a lot of noise pollution in your neighborhood, …

How Hearing Aids Can Change Your Life

How Hearing Aids Can Change Your Life

If you have found that you have had to ask people to repeat themselves more and more often, it may signal that you have a hearing loss. It’s easy to believe that these occurrences are of little consequence, however, undiagnosed and untreated hearing loss can make it difficult to communicate and cause tension in your personal and professional relationships. Ultimately …

How Treating Hearing Loss Helps Your Mental Health

How Treating Hearing Loss Helps Your Mental Health

Many go on for years, believing that their hearing loss is not a serious issue. The problem, however, is that while you hear with your ears you process and listen with your brain. When your brain can not receive important audio information about conversations, and the world around you, the effects can become more serious than we may have first …

Building Connections May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

There are currently 48 million people in the US dealing with hearing loss and this number is only expected to grow. Each May is Better Hearing and Speech Month and is a call to action by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) to raise awareness and action around treating these devastating disabilities.  This year’s theme is “Building Connections” and is meant …

Q&A About Hearing Loss

Q&A About Hearing Loss

When you suffer from hearing loss, it doesn’t just affect you. The effects spread across your family and affect every aspect of communication. It can be more than just difficult at times, causing frustrations and unexpected stumbling blocks. Many of the hearing loss challenges can be resolved if everyone agrees to tackle the problem with strategies to keep contact open …

Brain Exercises Could Help You Hear in Noisy Places

Brain Exercises Could Help You Hear in Noise

If you struggle with hearing loss, then you already know how difficult it can be to hear in a crowded place. Even if you are a hearing aid user, a crowd requires extra concentration and focus, in order to listen and respond. It is all too common to feel exhausted and drained by trying to discern a speaker or follow …

Can Hearing Aids Be Stylish

Can Hearing Aids Be “Stylish”?

When many think about hearing aids, their mind immediately goes to the hearing aids their grandparents may have worn. The hearing aids of the past were large, and not only an eye soar, but seemed to give many, more problems than they might have had in the first place. Constant feedback and tan plastic protruding from around the ear gave …

Improving Communication with Your Family

Improving Communication with Your Family

When you suffer from hearing loss, it doesn’t just affect you. The effects spread across your family and affect every aspect of communication. It can be more than just difficult at times, causing frustrations and unexpected stumbling blocks. Many of the hearing loss challenges can be resolved if everyone agrees to tackle the problem with strategies to keep contact open …

Earbud Use Could Harm Your Hearing

Earbud Use Could Harm Your Hearing

When we consider hearing loss causes, we automatically think of spectacular bursts of loud noise, whether it is from industrial equipment, loud concerts, or an explosion. While these are all potentially dangerous situations for hearing loss, there is a more everyday cause of hearing loss that is on the rise: the incorrect use of earbuds. Study shows the damage earbuds …