Forty-eight million Americans suffer from hearing loss. Age, disease, exposure to noise, medication, and the natural aging process may all contribute to it. While specific causes of hearing loss cannot be prevented, others, like noise-induced hearing loss, may be avoided entirely. Let’s look at some prevention strategies for noise-induced hearing loss. How to avoid losing your hearing No matter how …
Why You Should Schedule a Hearing Test for World Alzheimer’s Month
Did you know that September is World Alzheimer’s Month? This global campaign seeks to raise awareness around dementia – a group of medical conditions that affect brain health. According to Alzheimer’s Disease International, 55 million people live with dementia worldwide. This is expected to rapidly increase, reaching 139 million by 2050. Alzheimer’s is the most common type, impacting up to …
Strange Causes of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is likely more common than you think. Nearly 1 in 6 people have some degree of impaired hearing. With over 48 million people living with hearing loss, this medical condition is the third most pervasive. Aging is often the most common cause people associate with hearing loss but there are numerous factors that can contribute to the development …
Undertreated & Undiagnosed: Age-Related Hearing Loss
Did you know that half of all adults 75 and older live with some degree of hearing loss? Hearing loss is the third most pervasive medical condition that older adults experience. Impacting over 48 million people, 1 in 3 adults 65-74 have hearing loss as well. You likely know someone who has impaired hearing and they might not even know …
Staying Safe with Hearing Loss
You may not realize how important sound is to safety. Alarm systems typically rely on sound amplification to alert you to potential danger. Sirens, warning calls, smoke detectors, home security systems and much more work by projecting a loud noise to call your attention to hazards or caution. So what happens if you have hearing loss? Hearing loss is one …
Sounds That Could Harm Your Hearing
We are absorbing and processing sound constantly. From alarm clocks to household appliances, driving, having conversations, and listening to music – sound is a major part of everyday life. Typically, many of these sounds are not particularly risky for hearing but there are some types of everyday noise that can impact hearing health. Noise exposure is one of the most …
How Exercise, Diet, Sleep, and Hearing Affect Brain Aging
Aging is a natural process that occurs over time and impacts the entire body including the brain. When the brain ages, cognitive processes become less flexible and are slowed down. Cognitive functions like decision making, learning, memory, completing daily tasks etc. may require more time or become impaired. Though aging is inevitable, recent research shows that there are modifiable lifestyle …
Treating Sudden Hearing Loss
Suddenly losing your hearing is a stressful and overwhelming experience. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is a type of hearing loss that occurs in one or both ears. It is often temporary and hearing is restored once the underlying condition that is causing the impairment is treated. If you experience hearing loss, it is important to have your hearing evaluated …
What is Single-Sided Hearing Loss?
Has anyone ever asked you to speak into their “good ear”? If so, that person may well have had single-sided hearing loss. The most common forms of hearing loss occur in both ears at once. For instance, if you are exposed to noise in the workplace or through leisure activities, you are likely to have noise exposure in both ears. …
Getting to Know Your Hearing Aids
If you are the proud owner of a new pair of hearing aids, congratulations! You have taken the crucial step toward assistance, better communication, and an improved quality of life. When you are fitted with your hearing aids, our hearing health professionals will present you with a lot of information about how to use them, care and maintenance, as well …