Getting to know your hearing aids

Getting to Know Your Hearing Aids

If you are the proud owner of a new pair of hearing aids, congratulations! You have taken the crucial step toward assistance, better communication, and an improved quality of life. When you are fitted with your hearing aids, our hearing health professionals will present you with a lot of information about how to use them, care and maintenance, as well as the basics of what hearing aids can do for you. That appointment might provide some information that is difficult to recall when you get home. We encourage you to bring along a friend, loved one, or other source of support to help you remember what you learn at this fitting appointment. You can always get in touch with our offices to refresh your memory about how to make the most of your hearing aids. Getting to know your hearing aids is a process that might take some time. Unlike putting on a pair of eyeglasses that immediately bring the world into focus, hearing aids often require an adjustment period. The following are some important things to keep in mind as you are getting to know your hearing aids. If you have any concern or confusion, don’t hesitate to as our experts for assistance. 


How Hearing Aids Work


Hearing aids come in many forms, but there are two basic processes that hearing aids use to transform sound. Analog hearing aids take the acoustic sound in the world and use an electrical transformation to raise the volume. The use a microphone to capture the patters of soundwaves, an amplifier to raise the size of that signal, and then a tiny speaker to broadcast a louder version of that sound. On the contrary, digital hearing aids add a step to the process. They capture the dynamics and spectrum of sound with a microphone, just like analog hearing aids, but they also transform that electrical signal into a binary code of 1s and 0s. This sequence of numbers makes it possible to change the shape of the soundwave before sending it out to the speaker. Why would you want to transform that sound? One of the most useful features of digital hearing aids is the ability to reduce background noise before making the sound louder, effectively enhancing the sound of voices and other sounds of interest to you. 


How to Care for Your Hearing Aids


Most hearing aids require quite little care and maintenance to keep doing their work. Almost all hearing aids can benefit from a regular wipe-down with a clean, dry cloth. This simple act can remove the debris and earwax that might accumulate over time. You might want to use some specialized tools like a wire loop or brush to remove the earwax that gets stuck in the tiny components of your aids, as well. Some hearing aids need to have their batteries replaced, while other aids can be recharged in a dock overnight. In either case, make sure to keep a charged battery available for your daily hearing needs, including when you are traveling away from home. Some people who live in humid environments or who take part in outdoor activities would do well to invest in a hearing aid dryer, as well. This device removes moisture from the metal components of the aids that can otherwise become corroded or rusty with time.  


How to Learn about Special Features


Some of the latest hearing aids come with additional features and functions that might be of interest to you. You can read up on these features on your own, or you can inquire with our hearing health professionals to learn more. Many hearing aids now come equipped with Bluetooth connectivity. This feature makes it possible to sync with notifications and phone calls, as well as music and other audio media. You might be able to control the volume and other settings on your hearing aids with an app on your smartphone, as well. After exploring these features and options for your hearing aids, you can give us a call with any questions that might arise. If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed with your hearing aids, we are here to ease your transition to better hearing!