Hearing Aid Repair

Hearing aid technology has come a long way in the last few years, and it keeps improving every day. Hearing aids are smaller and more powerful than ever before. They constantly analyze the sounds around you, and run complex programs to help you hear. They’re also more durable than in the past. Most hearing aids are coated with a nano-technology finishing that protects your hearing aids from dirt, dust, earwax, and moisture. Even the best hearing aids need to be cleaned regularly, and may need repairs from time to time.

At A Better Hearing Center, we repair most hearing aid brands. Even if you didn’t buy your current hearing aids from us, we’re happy to do some maintenance and hearing aid repair to get you back to clear hearing. We do hearing aid repair in our office, including performing a thorough cleaning, or basic repairs. For more complicated repairs, or if your devices are under manufacturer’s warranty, we’ll send your hearing aids to the supplier for hearing aid repair. To learn more about hearing aid repair visit us in Woodland Park, CO and Monument, CO.

Hearing Aid Cleaning

To prevent damage to your hearing aids, and keep them in the best condition, it’s important that you clean them daily. Set aside five minutes before bed, and clean them when you take them out for the night. This will extend the life of your hearing aids, and prevent some common hearing aid problems.

Always clean your hearing aids over a table or counter, and place a cloth on the counter in case your hearing aid drops. Start by wiping your hearing aids with a soft, dry cloth to remove excess moisture, and brush away any dirt, dust, or earwax that has collected on the hearing aids. Open the battery door, and make sure it’s clean and dry. Leave the battery door open overnight to completely dry out your devices.

Check the port holes for a buildup of earwax, and use a small hearing aid pick to clean out these holes. Check the tubing for any cracks or damage, and replace the tubing if you see any issues. Once a week, remove the tubing from the hearing aid, and wash it gently in warm water. Set it out to dry overnight, and reattach it in the morning when it’s thoroughly dry.

Hearing Aid Cleaning

Hearing Aid Maintenance

Have you noticed any issues with your hearing aids? Before you bring it in for repairs, you can do some maintenance on your own, and resolve the issue at home. If you notice problems with your hearing aid, try the following:

  • Change the battery
  • Open and close the battery door, and make sure the battery contacts and clean and dry
  • Take out your hearing aid and reinsert it
  • Do a thorough cleaning, and check for a buildup of wax anywhere on the devices
If you’ve tried all these fixes but still having issues, visit A Better Hearing Center for hearing aid repair.

Hearing Aid Repair

Daily hearing aid cleaning and frequent maintenance will extend the life or your hearing aid, and you’ll need hearing aid repairs far less often. However, there will be times when something will go wrong with your devices, and your hearing aids will need a repair.

At A Better Hearing Center, our team is dedicated to helping you hear, and we offer in office hearing aid repair. If you purchased your hearing aids from us, your hearing aid repair will be low-cost, or may even be free. We repair most makes and models of hearing aids, and we’ll do our best to have your devices fixed as soon as possible.

Hearing Aid Repair

If you’ve had any problems with your hearing aids, trust the experts at A Better Hearing Center. Visit us if you:

  • Notice a lot of feedback
  • See damage on your hearing aids
  • Can’t turn or your hearing aids, or your devices seem dead
  • Are having trouble hearing
We know how hard it is to live without your hearing aids, and we’ll perform the hearing aid repair as quickly as possible. Many repairs can be done in our office, and we’ll have you back to hearing clearly in no time. Some hearing aid repairs can’t be done in the office, and we’ll send your devices to the manufacturer for major repairs.