May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!

Connecting People: May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, a great opportunity to prioritize your hearing health! Organized by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), this campaign focuses on raising awareness about hearing loss. Over 48 million people live with hearing loss, the third most pervasive medical condition today. Hearing loss not only impacts hearing but has multifaceted effects on various aspects of life: relationships, social engagement, work performance, and overall health. 

Though hearing loss is prevalent, it is often undertreated which can worsen impairment and symptoms. This highlights the importance of ASHA’s campaign and this year’s theme: Connecting People; which emphasizes the breadth of services and resources available to support and transform your hearing health. 

Benefits of Treating Hearing Loss 

Hearing loss reduces one’s ability to perceive and process sound. This produces symptoms that make it challenging to hear which strains communication. Communication is an essential way we navigate daily life so experiencing consistent barriers can take a toll on interacting with others, work-life, and health in various ways. Fortunately, treatment alleviates these symptoms and transforms the quality of life by: 

  • Strengthening Communication: hearing aids are the most common treatment for hearing loss. These electronic devices are designed to absorb, amplify, and process sound which provides ample support. This alleviates symptoms and maximizes hearing capacity. Being able to hear much easier allows people to fully participate in conversations and be present. 
  • Improving Relationships: communication is also an essential part of relationships. People often report feeling frustrated, unheard, or ignored by their loved ones with hearing loss. Treatment addresses and prevents this by providing the support needed to hear clearly. This enables people to spend quality time with their loved ones, have intimate and rich conversations, as well as be more present and engaged. 
  • Enriching Social Life: having a greater capacity to hear is especially important and useful in environments that are more challenging to hear in. This includes social settings, activities, and parties. Hearing aids equip wearers with the support to better hear and communicate, making social engagement much easier. 
  • Enhancing Overall Health: treating hearing loss also reduces health risks. Extensive research shows that untreated hearing loss can increase the risk of experiencing numerous health conditions. This includes cognitive decline, depression, and accidental injuries. Hearing aids strengthen cognitive functions which improve brain health, increase spatial awareness, and boost wellness and social life. These benefits alleviate health risks and improve quality of life. 

Treating hearing loss offers life-changing benefits that can contribute to better quality and longevity of life. 

How to Approach Seeking Treatment

There are an abundance of resources, experts, and services available to you. Treating hearing loss is fairly simple and involves committing to the first major step: having your hearing assessed. A hearing test involves a painless process that measures your hearing capacity in both ears. Once your hearing needs are established, your hearing healthcare provider can establish a treatment plan that can best meet those needs. 

We use our expertise and experience working with industry-leading hearing aid brands to recommend hearing aid options that will be optimal for you. Additionally, we can fit and program your device to ensure that it works and fits perfectly. In addition to diagnosing and treating your hearing loss, we offer services to support you on your hearing loss journey. This includes offering additional hearing aid technologies, accessories, and services that are designed to provide the most support possible. 

Prioritize Your Hearing Health This Month

Better Hearing and Speech Month is a great time to commit to your hearing health. Though acknowledging hearing health changes can be tough, it is important to know that there are so many resources available to you to improve your health. Our practice is invested in providing individualized care that strengthens your hearing health and wellness. Hearing loss does not have to be a barrier to living life fully. Treatment can help you navigate daily life with greater ease and comfort. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a hearing consultation. This allows us to get to know you and your hearing needs. Scheduling this appointment is also a great way to prioritize your hearing health!